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The Ethereum interface for main web3 object. It provides extra methods in addition to web3-eth interface.

web3_eth.Web3Eth for details about the Eth interface.





Contract: typeof Contract

Extended Contract constructor for main web3 object. See Contract for further details.

You can use .setProvider on this constructor to set provider for all the instances of the contracts which were created by web3.eth.Contract. Please check the following guide to understand more about setting provider.



Iban: typeof Iban


abi: { decodeLog: <ReturnType_1>(inputs: AbiParameter[], data: string, topics: string | string[]) => ReturnType_1; decodeParameter: (abi: AbiInput, bytes: string) => unknown; decodeParameters: (abi: AbiInput[], bytes: string) => { __length__: number }; encodeEventSignature: (functionName: string | AbiFunctionFragment) => string; encodeFunctionCall: (jsonInterface: AbiFunctionFragment, params: unknown[]) => string; encodeFunctionSignature: (functionName: string | AbiFunctionFragment) => string; encodeParameter: (abi: AbiInput, param: unknown) => string; encodeParameters: (abi: readonly AbiInput[], params: unknown[]) => string }

Type declaration

  • decodeLog: <ReturnType_1>(inputs: AbiParameter[], data: string, topics: string | string[]) => ReturnType_1
      • <ReturnType_1>(inputs: AbiParameter[], data: string, topics: string | string[]): ReturnType_1
      • Type parameters


        Returns ReturnType_1

  • decodeParameter: (abi: AbiInput, bytes: string) => unknown
      • Parameters

        Returns unknown

  • decodeParameters: (abi: AbiInput[], bytes: string) => { __length__: number }
      • (abi: AbiInput[], bytes: string): { __length__: number }
      • Parameters

        Returns { __length__: number }

        • [key string]: unknown
        • __length__: number
  • encodeEventSignature: (functionName: string | AbiFunctionFragment) => string
  • encodeFunctionCall: (jsonInterface: AbiFunctionFragment, params: unknown[]) => string
  • encodeFunctionSignature: (functionName: string | AbiFunctionFragment) => string
  • encodeParameter: (abi: AbiInput, param: unknown) => string
      • Parameters

        Returns string

  • encodeParameters: (abi: readonly AbiInput[], params: unknown[]) => string
      • (abi: readonly AbiInput[], params: unknown[]): string
      • Parameters

        • abi: readonly AbiInput[]
        • params: unknown[]

        Returns string


accounts: { encrypt: (privateKey: Bytes, password: string | Buffer, options?: CipherOptions) => Promise<KeyStore>; hashMessage: (message: string) => string; recover: (data: string | SignatureObject, signatureOrV?: string, prefixedOrR?: string | boolean, s?: string, prefixed?: boolean) => string; recoverTransaction: (rawTransaction: string) => string; sign: (data: string, privateKey: Bytes) => SignResult; wallet: Wallet<Web3BaseWalletAccount>; create: any; decrypt: any; privateKeyToAccount: any; signTransaction: any }

Type declaration

  • encrypt: (privateKey: Bytes, password: string | Buffer, options?: CipherOptions) => Promise<KeyStore>
  • hashMessage: (message: string) => string
      • (message: string): string
      • Parameters

        • message: string

        Returns string

  • recover: (data: string | SignatureObject, signatureOrV?: string, prefixedOrR?: string | boolean, s?: string, prefixed?: boolean) => string
      • (data: string | SignatureObject, signatureOrV?: string, prefixedOrR?: string | boolean, s?: string, prefixed?: boolean): string
      • Parameters

        • data: string | SignatureObject
        • optionalsignatureOrV: string
        • optionalprefixedOrR: string | boolean
        • optionals: string
        • optionalprefixed: boolean

        Returns string

  • recoverTransaction: (rawTransaction: string) => string
      • (rawTransaction: string): string
      • Parameters

        • rawTransaction: string

        Returns string

  • sign: (data: string, privateKey: Bytes) => SignResult
      • (data: string, privateKey: Bytes): SignResult
      • Parameters

        • data: string
        • privateKey: Bytes

        Returns SignResult

  • wallet: Wallet<Web3BaseWalletAccount>
  • create: function
    • create(): Web3Account

    • Returns Web3Account

  • decrypt: function
    • decrypt(keystore: string, password: string, options?: Record<string, unknown>): Promise<Web3Account>

    • Parameters

      • keystore: string
      • password: string
      • optionaloptions: Record<string, unknown>

      Returns Promise<Web3Account>

  • privateKeyToAccount: function
    • privateKeyToAccount(privateKey: string | Buffer): Web3Account

    • Parameters

      • privateKey: string | Buffer

      Returns Web3Account

  • signTransaction: function
    • signTransaction(transaction: Transaction, privateKey: Bytes): Promise<SignTransactionResult>

    • Parameters

      Returns Promise<SignTransactionResult>


ens: ENS


net: Net


providers: { HttpProvider: Web3BaseProviderConstructor; IpcProvider: Web3BaseProviderConstructor; WebsocketProvider: Web3BaseProviderConstructor }

Type declaration





  • get blockHeaderTimeout(): number
  • set blockHeaderTimeout(val: number): void
  • Returns number

  • Parameters

    • val: number

    Returns void


  • Returns undefined | Web3BaseProvider<API>

  • Parameters

    Returns void


  • get defaultAccount(): undefined | string
  • set defaultAccount(val: undefined | string): void
  • Returns undefined | string

  • Parameters

    • val: undefined | string

    Returns void



  • get defaultChain(): string
  • set defaultChain(val: string): void
  • Returns string

  • Parameters

    • val: string

    Returns void


  • get defaultCommon(): undefined | Common
  • set defaultCommon(val: undefined | Common): void
  • Returns undefined | Common

  • Parameters

    Returns void


  • get defaultHardfork(): string
  • set defaultHardfork(val: string): void
  • Returns string

  • Parameters

    • val: string

    Returns void


  • get defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas(): Numbers
  • set defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas(val: Numbers): void
  • Returns Numbers

  • Parameters

    Returns void


  • get defaultNetworkId(): undefined | Numbers
  • set defaultNetworkId(val: undefined | Numbers): void
  • Returns undefined | Numbers

  • Parameters

    Returns void


  • get defaultTransactionType(): Numbers
  • set defaultTransactionType(val: Numbers): void
  • Returns Numbers

  • Parameters

    Returns void


  • get enableExperimentalFeatures(): { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }
  • set enableExperimentalFeatures(val: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }): void
  • Returns { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }

    • useRpcCallSpecification: boolean
    • useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean
  • Parameters

    • val: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }

    Returns void



  • get handleRevert(): boolean
  • set handleRevert(val: boolean): void
  • Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • val: boolean

    Returns void


  • get maxListenersWarningThreshold(): number
  • set maxListenersWarningThreshold(val: number): void
  • Returns number

  • Parameters

    • val: number

    Returns void


  • Returns undefined | Web3BaseProvider<API>

  • Parameters

    Returns void




  • get transactionBlockTimeout(): number
  • set transactionBlockTimeout(val: number): void
  • Returns number

  • Parameters

    • val: number

    Returns void


  • Returns undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>

  • Parameters

    Returns void


  • get transactionConfirmationBlocks(): number
  • set transactionConfirmationBlocks(val: number): void
  • Returns number

  • Parameters

    • val: number

    Returns void


  • get transactionConfirmationPollingInterval(): undefined | number
  • set transactionConfirmationPollingInterval(val: undefined | number): void
  • Returns undefined | number

  • Parameters

    • val: undefined | number

    Returns void


  • get transactionPollingInterval(): number
  • set transactionPollingInterval(val: number): void
  • Returns number

  • Parameters

    • val: number

    Returns void


  • get transactionPollingTimeout(): number
  • set transactionPollingTimeout(val: number): void
  • Returns number

  • Parameters

    • val: number

    Returns void


  • get transactionReceiptPollingInterval(): undefined | number
  • set transactionReceiptPollingInterval(val: undefined | number): void
  • Returns undefined | number

  • Parameters

    • val: undefined | number

    Returns void


  • get transactionSendTimeout(): number
  • set transactionSendTimeout(val: number): void
  • Returns number

  • Parameters

    • val: number

    Returns void





  • Type parameters

    • ReturnFormat: DataFormat = { bytes: HEX; number: BIGINT }


    Returns Promise<string>


  • clearSubscriptions(notClearSyncing?: boolean): undefined | Promise<string[]>
  • Parameters

    • optionalnotClearSyncing: boolean

    Returns undefined | Promise<string[]>


  • Type parameters

    • ReturnFormat: DataFormat = { bytes: HEX; number: BIGINT }


    Returns Promise<{ accessList?: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; gasUsed?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]] }>


  • emit<K>(eventName: K, params: { CONFIG_CHANGE: { name: handleRevert; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultAccount; newValue: undefined | string; oldValue: undefined | string } | { name: defaultBlock; newValue: BlockNumberOrTag; oldValue: BlockNumberOrTag } | { name: transactionSendTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionBlockTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionConfirmationBlocks; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingInterval; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionReceiptPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: transactionConfirmationPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: blockHeaderTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: maxListenersWarningThreshold; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: defaultNetworkId; newValue: undefined | Numbers; oldValue: undefined | Numbers } | { name: defaultChain; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultHardfork; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultCommon; newValue: undefined | Common; oldValue: undefined | Common } | { name: defaultTransactionType; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: enableExperimentalFeatures; newValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }; oldValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean } } | { name: transactionBuilder; newValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>; oldValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown> } | { name: transactionTypeParser; newValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser; oldValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser } }[K]): void
  • Type parameters



    • eventName: K
    • params: { CONFIG_CHANGE: { name: handleRevert; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultAccount; newValue: undefined | string; oldValue: undefined | string } | { name: defaultBlock; newValue: BlockNumberOrTag; oldValue: BlockNumberOrTag } | { name: transactionSendTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionBlockTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionConfirmationBlocks; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingInterval; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionReceiptPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: transactionConfirmationPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: blockHeaderTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: maxListenersWarningThreshold; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: defaultNetworkId; newValue: undefined | Numbers; oldValue: undefined | Numbers } | { name: defaultChain; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultHardfork; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultCommon; newValue: undefined | Common; oldValue: undefined | Common } | { name: defaultTransactionType; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: enableExperimentalFeatures; newValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }; oldValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean } } | { name: transactionBuilder; newValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>; oldValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown> } | { name: transactionTypeParser; newValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser; oldValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser } }[K]

    Returns void


  • Type parameters

    • ReturnFormat: DataFormat = { bytes: HEX; number: BIGINT }


    Returns Promise<NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]>


  • eventNames(): (string | symbol)[]
  • Returns (string | symbol)[]


  • getAccounts(): Promise<string[]>
  • Returns Promise<string[]>


  • getBalance<ReturnFormat>(address: string, blockNumber?: BlockNumberOrTag, returnFormat?: ReturnFormat): Promise<NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]>
  • Type parameters

    • ReturnFormat: DataFormat = { bytes: HEX; number: BIGINT }


    • address: string
    • optionalblockNumber: BlockNumberOrTag
    • optionalreturnFormat: ReturnFormat

    Returns Promise<NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]>



  • getBlockNumber<ReturnFormat>(returnFormat?: ReturnFormat): Promise<NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]>
  • Type parameters

    • ReturnFormat: DataFormat = { bytes: HEX; number: BIGINT }


    • optionalreturnFormat: ReturnFormat

    Returns Promise<NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]>


  • getBlockTransactionCount<ReturnFormat>(block?: BlockNumberOrTag, returnFormat?: ReturnFormat): Promise<NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]>
  • Type parameters

    • ReturnFormat: DataFormat = { bytes: HEX; number: BIGINT }


    Returns Promise<NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]>


  • Type parameters

    • ReturnFormat: DataFormat = { bytes: HEX; number: BIGINT }


    Returns Promise<NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]>


  • getChainId<ReturnFormat>(returnFormat?: ReturnFormat): Promise<NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]>
  • Type parameters

    • ReturnFormat: DataFormat = { bytes: HEX; number: BIGINT }


    • optionalreturnFormat: ReturnFormat

    Returns Promise<NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]>


  • getCode<ReturnFormat>(address: string, blockNumber?: BlockNumberOrTag, returnFormat?: ReturnFormat): Promise<string>
  • Type parameters

    • ReturnFormat: DataFormat = { bytes: HEX; number: BIGINT }


    • address: string
    • optionalblockNumber: BlockNumberOrTag
    • optionalreturnFormat: ReturnFormat

    Returns Promise<string>


  • getCoinbase(): Promise<string>
  • Returns Promise<string>




  • Type parameters

    • ReturnFormat: DataFormat = { bytes: HEX; number: BIGINT }


    Returns Promise<{ baseFeePerGas: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; gasUsedRatio: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]][]; oldestBlock: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; reward: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]][][] }>


  • getGasPrice<ReturnFormat>(returnFormat?: ReturnFormat): Promise<NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]>
  • Type parameters

    • ReturnFormat: DataFormat = { bytes: HEX; number: BIGINT }


    • optionalreturnFormat: ReturnFormat

    Returns Promise<NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]>


  • getHashRate<ReturnFormat>(returnFormat?: ReturnFormat): Promise<NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]>
  • Type parameters

    • ReturnFormat: DataFormat = { bytes: HEX; number: BIGINT }


    • optionalreturnFormat: ReturnFormat

    Returns Promise<NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]>


  • getHashrate<ReturnFormat>(returnFormat?: ReturnFormat): Promise<NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]>
  • Type parameters

    • ReturnFormat: DataFormat = { bytes: HEX; number: BIGINT }


    • optionalreturnFormat: ReturnFormat

    Returns Promise<NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]>


  • getMaxListeners(): number
  • Returns number


  • getNodeInfo(): Promise<string>
  • Returns Promise<string>


  • getPastLogs<ReturnFormat>(filter: Filter, returnFormat?: ReturnFormat): Promise<(string | { address?: string; blockHash?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; blockNumber?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; data?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; id?: string; logIndex?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; removed?: boolean; topics?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]][]; transactionHash?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; transactionIndex?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]] })[]>
  • Type parameters

    • ReturnFormat: DataFormat = { bytes: HEX; number: BIGINT }


    • filter: Filter
    • optionalreturnFormat: ReturnFormat

    Returns Promise<(string | { address?: string; blockHash?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; blockNumber?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; data?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; id?: string; logIndex?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; removed?: boolean; topics?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]][]; transactionHash?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; transactionIndex?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]] })[]>


  • Type parameters

    • ReturnFormat: DataFormat = { bytes: HEX; number: BIGINT }


    • optionalreturnFormat: ReturnFormat

    Returns Promise<{ accessList?: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; chain?: ValidChains; chainId?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; common?: { baseChain?: ValidChains; customChain: { chainId: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; name?: string; networkId: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]] }; hardfork?: Hardfork }; data?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; from?: string; gas?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; gasLimit?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; gasPrice?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; hardfork?: Hardfork; input?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; maxFeePerGas?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; maxPriorityFeePerGas?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; networkId?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; nonce?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; r?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; s?: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; to?: null | string; type?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; v?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; value?: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; yParity?: string }[]>


  • getProof<ReturnFormat>(address: string, storageKeys: Bytes[], blockNumber?: BlockNumberOrTag, returnFormat?: ReturnFormat): Promise<{ accountProof: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]][]; balance: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; codeHash: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; nonce: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; storageHash: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; storageProof: { key: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; proof: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]][]; value: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]] }[] }>
  • Type parameters

    • ReturnFormat: DataFormat = { bytes: HEX; number: BIGINT }


    • address: string
    • storageKeys: Bytes[]
    • optionalblockNumber: BlockNumberOrTag
    • optionalreturnFormat: ReturnFormat

    Returns Promise<{ accountProof: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]][]; balance: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; codeHash: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; nonce: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]; storageHash: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; storageProof: { key: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]]; proof: ByteTypes[ReturnFormat[bytes]][]; value: NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]] }[] }>


  • getProtocolVersion(): Promise<string>
  • Returns Promise<string>


  • getStorageAt<ReturnFormat>(address: string, storageSlot: Numbers, blockNumber?: BlockNumberOrTag, returnFormat?: ReturnFormat): Promise<string>
  • Type parameters

    • ReturnFormat: DataFormat = { bytes: HEX; number: BIGINT }


    Returns Promise<string>


  • getTransaction<ReturnFormat>(transactionHash: Bytes, returnFormat?: ReturnFormat): Promise<{ accessList: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; blockHash?: string; blockNumber?: string; chainId?: string; data?: string; from: string; gas: string; hash: string; input: string; maxFeePerGas: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas: string; nonce: string; r: string; s: string; to?: null | string; transactionIndex?: string; type: string; value: string; yParity: string } | { accessList: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; blockHash?: string; blockNumber?: string; chainId?: string; data?: string; from: string; gas: string; gasPrice: string; hash: string; input: string; nonce: string; r: string; s: string; to?: null | string; transactionIndex?: string; type: string; value: string; yParity: string } | { blockHash?: string; blockNumber?: string; chainId?: string; data?: string; from: string; gas: string; gasPrice: string; hash: string; input: string; nonce: string; r: string; s: string; to?: null | string; transactionIndex?: string; type: string; v: string; value: string }>
  • Type parameters

    • ReturnFormat: DataFormat = { bytes: HEX; number: BIGINT }


    • transactionHash: Bytes
    • optionalreturnFormat: ReturnFormat

    Returns Promise<{ accessList: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; blockHash?: string; blockNumber?: string; chainId?: string; data?: string; from: string; gas: string; hash: string; input: string; maxFeePerGas: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas: string; nonce: string; r: string; s: string; to?: null | string; transactionIndex?: string; type: string; value: string; yParity: string } | { accessList: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; blockHash?: string; blockNumber?: string; chainId?: string; data?: string; from: string; gas: string; gasPrice: string; hash: string; input: string; nonce: string; r: string; s: string; to?: null | string; transactionIndex?: string; type: string; value: string; yParity: string } | { blockHash?: string; blockNumber?: string; chainId?: string; data?: string; from: string; gas: string; gasPrice: string; hash: string; input: string; nonce: string; r: string; s: string; to?: null | string; transactionIndex?: string; type: string; v: string; value: string }>


  • getTransactionCount<ReturnFormat>(address: string, blockNumber?: BlockNumberOrTag, returnFormat?: ReturnFormat): Promise<NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]>
  • Type parameters

    • ReturnFormat: DataFormat = { bytes: HEX; number: BIGINT }


    • address: string
    • optionalblockNumber: BlockNumberOrTag
    • optionalreturnFormat: ReturnFormat

    Returns Promise<NumberTypes[ReturnFormat[number]]>


  • getTransactionFromBlock<ReturnFormat>(block: undefined | BlockNumberOrTag, transactionIndex: Numbers, returnFormat?: ReturnFormat): Promise<undefined | { accessList: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; blockHash?: string; blockNumber?: string; chainId?: string; data?: string; from: string; gas: string; hash: string; input: string; maxFeePerGas: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas: string; nonce: string; r: string; s: string; to?: null | string; transactionIndex?: string; type: string; value: string; yParity: string } | { accessList: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; blockHash?: string; blockNumber?: string; chainId?: string; data?: string; from: string; gas: string; gasPrice: string; hash: string; input: string; nonce: string; r: string; s: string; to?: null | string; transactionIndex?: string; type: string; value: string; yParity: string } | { blockHash?: string; blockNumber?: string; chainId?: string; data?: string; from: string; gas: string; gasPrice: string; hash: string; input: string; nonce: string; r: string; s: string; to?: null | string; transactionIndex?: string; type: string; v: string; value: string }>
  • Type parameters

    • ReturnFormat: DataFormat = { bytes: HEX; number: BIGINT }


    Returns Promise<undefined | { accessList: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; blockHash?: string; blockNumber?: string; chainId?: string; data?: string; from: string; gas: string; hash: string; input: string; maxFeePerGas: string; maxPriorityFeePerGas: string; nonce: string; r: string; s: string; to?: null | string; transactionIndex?: string; type: string; value: string; yParity: string } | { accessList: { address?: string; storageKeys?: string[] }[]; blockHash?: string; blockNumber?: string; chainId?: string; data?: string; from: string; gas: string; gasPrice: string; hash: string; input: string; nonce: string; r: string; s: string; to?: null | string; transactionIndex?: string; type: string; value: string; yParity: string } | { blockHash?: string; blockNumber?: string; chainId?: string; data?: string; from: string; gas: string; gasPrice: string; hash: string; input: string; nonce: string; r: string; s: string; to?: null | string; transactionIndex?: string; type: string; v: string; value: string }>


  • getTransactionReceipt<ReturnFormat>(transactionHash: Bytes, returnFormat?: ReturnFormat): Promise<TransactionReceipt>
  • Type parameters

    • ReturnFormat: DataFormat = { bytes: HEX; number: BIGINT }


    • transactionHash: Bytes
    • optionalreturnFormat: ReturnFormat

    Returns Promise<TransactionReceipt>



  • getWork(): Promise<[string, string, string]>
  • Returns Promise<[string, string, string]>


  • isMining(): Promise<boolean>
  • Returns Promise<boolean>



  • link<T>(parentContext: T): void
  • Type parameters


    • parentContext: T

    Returns void


  • listenerCount<K>(eventName: K): number
  • Type parameters



    • eventName: K

    Returns number


  • listeners<K>(eventName: K): Function[]
  • Type parameters



    • eventName: K

    Returns Function[]


  • off<K>(eventName: K, fn: Web3EventCallback<{ CONFIG_CHANGE: { name: handleRevert; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultAccount; newValue: undefined | string; oldValue: undefined | string } | { name: defaultBlock; newValue: BlockNumberOrTag; oldValue: BlockNumberOrTag } | { name: transactionSendTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionBlockTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionConfirmationBlocks; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingInterval; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionReceiptPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: transactionConfirmationPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: blockHeaderTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: maxListenersWarningThreshold; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: defaultNetworkId; newValue: undefined | Numbers; oldValue: undefined | Numbers } | { name: defaultChain; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultHardfork; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultCommon; newValue: undefined | Common; oldValue: undefined | Common } | { name: defaultTransactionType; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: enableExperimentalFeatures; newValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }; oldValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean } } | { name: transactionBuilder; newValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>; oldValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown> } | { name: transactionTypeParser; newValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser; oldValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser } }[K]>): void
  • Type parameters



    • eventName: K
    • fn: Web3EventCallback<{ CONFIG_CHANGE: { name: handleRevert; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultAccount; newValue: undefined | string; oldValue: undefined | string } | { name: defaultBlock; newValue: BlockNumberOrTag; oldValue: BlockNumberOrTag } | { name: transactionSendTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionBlockTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionConfirmationBlocks; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingInterval; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionReceiptPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: transactionConfirmationPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: blockHeaderTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: maxListenersWarningThreshold; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: defaultNetworkId; newValue: undefined | Numbers; oldValue: undefined | Numbers } | { name: defaultChain; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultHardfork; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultCommon; newValue: undefined | Common; oldValue: undefined | Common } | { name: defaultTransactionType; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: enableExperimentalFeatures; newValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }; oldValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean } } | { name: transactionBuilder; newValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>; oldValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown> } | { name: transactionTypeParser; newValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser; oldValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser } }[K]>

    Returns void


  • on<K>(eventName: K, fn: Web3EventCallback<{ CONFIG_CHANGE: { name: handleRevert; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultAccount; newValue: undefined | string; oldValue: undefined | string } | { name: defaultBlock; newValue: BlockNumberOrTag; oldValue: BlockNumberOrTag } | { name: transactionSendTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionBlockTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionConfirmationBlocks; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingInterval; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionReceiptPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: transactionConfirmationPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: blockHeaderTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: maxListenersWarningThreshold; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: defaultNetworkId; newValue: undefined | Numbers; oldValue: undefined | Numbers } | { name: defaultChain; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultHardfork; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultCommon; newValue: undefined | Common; oldValue: undefined | Common } | { name: defaultTransactionType; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: enableExperimentalFeatures; newValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }; oldValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean } } | { name: transactionBuilder; newValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>; oldValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown> } | { name: transactionTypeParser; newValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser; oldValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser } }[K]>): void
  • Type parameters



    • eventName: K
    • fn: Web3EventCallback<{ CONFIG_CHANGE: { name: handleRevert; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultAccount; newValue: undefined | string; oldValue: undefined | string } | { name: defaultBlock; newValue: BlockNumberOrTag; oldValue: BlockNumberOrTag } | { name: transactionSendTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionBlockTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionConfirmationBlocks; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingInterval; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionReceiptPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: transactionConfirmationPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: blockHeaderTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: maxListenersWarningThreshold; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: defaultNetworkId; newValue: undefined | Numbers; oldValue: undefined | Numbers } | { name: defaultChain; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultHardfork; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultCommon; newValue: undefined | Common; oldValue: undefined | Common } | { name: defaultTransactionType; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: enableExperimentalFeatures; newValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }; oldValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean } } | { name: transactionBuilder; newValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>; oldValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown> } | { name: transactionTypeParser; newValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser; oldValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser } }[K]>

    Returns void


  • once<K>(eventName: K, fn: Web3EventCallback<{ CONFIG_CHANGE: { name: handleRevert; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultAccount; newValue: undefined | string; oldValue: undefined | string } | { name: defaultBlock; newValue: BlockNumberOrTag; oldValue: BlockNumberOrTag } | { name: transactionSendTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionBlockTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionConfirmationBlocks; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingInterval; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionReceiptPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: transactionConfirmationPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: blockHeaderTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: maxListenersWarningThreshold; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: defaultNetworkId; newValue: undefined | Numbers; oldValue: undefined | Numbers } | { name: defaultChain; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultHardfork; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultCommon; newValue: undefined | Common; oldValue: undefined | Common } | { name: defaultTransactionType; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: enableExperimentalFeatures; newValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }; oldValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean } } | { name: transactionBuilder; newValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>; oldValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown> } | { name: transactionTypeParser; newValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser; oldValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser } }[K]>): void
  • Type parameters



    • eventName: K
    • fn: Web3EventCallback<{ CONFIG_CHANGE: { name: handleRevert; newValue: boolean; oldValue: boolean } | { name: defaultAccount; newValue: undefined | string; oldValue: undefined | string } | { name: defaultBlock; newValue: BlockNumberOrTag; oldValue: BlockNumberOrTag } | { name: transactionSendTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionBlockTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionConfirmationBlocks; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingInterval; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionPollingTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: transactionReceiptPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: transactionConfirmationPollingInterval; newValue: undefined | number; oldValue: undefined | number } | { name: blockHeaderTimeout; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: maxListenersWarningThreshold; newValue: number; oldValue: number } | { name: defaultNetworkId; newValue: undefined | Numbers; oldValue: undefined | Numbers } | { name: defaultChain; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultHardfork; newValue: string; oldValue: string } | { name: defaultCommon; newValue: undefined | Common; oldValue: undefined | Common } | { name: defaultTransactionType; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: defaultMaxPriorityFeePerGas; newValue: Numbers; oldValue: Numbers } | { name: enableExperimentalFeatures; newValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean }; oldValue: { useRpcCallSpecification: boolean; useSubscriptionWhenCheckingBlockTimeout: boolean } } | { name: transactionBuilder; newValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown>; oldValue: undefined | TransactionBuilder<unknown> } | { name: transactionTypeParser; newValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser; oldValue: undefined | TransactionTypeParser } }[K]>

    Returns void


  • Parameters

    Returns void


  • removeAllListeners(): EventEmitter
  • Returns EventEmitter


  • requestAccounts(): Promise<string[]>
  • Returns Promise<string[]>




  • Parameters

    Returns void


  • setMaxListenerWarningThreshold(maxListenersWarningThreshold: number): void
  • Parameters

    • maxListenersWarningThreshold: number

    Returns void



  • sign<ReturnFormat>(message: Bytes, address: string, returnFormat?: ReturnFormat): Promise<string | { message?: string; messageHash: string; r: string; s: string; signature: string; v: string }>
  • Type parameters

    • ReturnFormat: DataFormat = { bytes: HEX; number: BIGINT }


    • message: Bytes
    • address: string
    • optionalreturnFormat: ReturnFormat

    Returns Promise<string | { message?: string; messageHash: string; r: string; s: string; signature: string; v: string }>



  • submitWork(nonce: string, hash: string, digest: string): Promise<boolean>
  • Parameters

    • nonce: string
    • hash: string
    • digest: string

    Returns Promise<boolean>


  • subscribe<T, ReturnType>(name: T, args?: ConstructorParameters<RegisteredSubscription[T]>[0], returnFormat?: ReturnType): Promise<InstanceType<RegisteredSubscription[T]>>
  • Type parameters


    • name: T
    • optionalargs: ConstructorParameters<RegisteredSubscription[T]>[0]
    • optionalreturnFormat: ReturnType

    Returns Promise<InstanceType<RegisteredSubscription[T]>>


  • Type parameters


    Returns T